Energy News of the Week (Oct.19-25, 2014)


< Asia >
A Future with a Low-Carbon Asia 22, 2014
The pattern of energy supply and demand that has prevailed over the last 3 decades is undergoing transformation, with great consequences for Asia’s energy security and regional cooperation.

Minister Obuchi Quits, + Japan Feed-In Tariff & Energy Update (In Depth)
CleanTechnica-Oct 22, 2014
March 2011—when the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami devastated four reactors and endangered two others at Fukushima 1—forced a radical rethinking of Japan’s energy picture that continues today with a Japan feed-in tariff program.

< North America >
John Sales: America is mismanaging energy 23, 2014
We’re in trouble! Fracked shale will peak in five years (U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Energy Outlook -2014 – Fig. ES-1).

< South America >
Power and politics: Why Brazil's election will decide its energy future
Business News Americas-Oct 23, 2014‎
Of the many ideological differences between Brazilian presidential candidates Dilma Rousseff and Aécio Neves, arguably none offers a starker contrast than their proposals for the country's energy sector.

< Africa >
Bad Policies Hinder Africa's Renewable Energy Growth
AFKInsider-Oct 20, 2014
Continuing technology advances, falling prices and new financing models means renewable energy projects have become increasingly practical in sub-Saharan Africa.

< Europe >
EU leaders adopt 'flexible' energy and climate targets for 2030
EurActiv-Oct 24, 2014
EU leaders Thursday night (23 October) committed by 2030 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%, and increase energy efficiency and renewables by at least 27%.

< Australia >
Labor rejects Abbott government's first attempt at renewable energy deal
The Guardian-Oct 22, 2014
Opposition and industry groups immediately reject ‘phoney’ opening offer as negotiations start on renewable energy target

