Energy News of the Week (Nov.2-8, 2014)


< Asia >
Boom-time for renewable energy in Asia 3, 2014
From ultra-fast-charging batteries in Singapore to solar farms in Thailand, demand for and use of renewable energy is set to rise in fast-growing Asia.

Disaster bases turning to renewable energy
The Japan News-Nov 4, 2014
Three holes form as wood chips stored in a silo at the municipal Nishiwaga Sawauchi Hospital are moved into the boiler room.

< North America >
Here Comes the Sun: America's Solar Boom, in Charts
Mother Jones-Nov 7, 2014
It's been a bit player, but solar power is about to shine.—By Tim McDonnell

< South America >
Latin America Green News
Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)-Nov 7, 2014
Chile releases climate change mitigation scenarios, energy reform regulations announced in Mexico, concerns aired over Don Diego mining project

< Africa >
Report: East Africa new energy 'hot spot' 7, 2014
IHS finds East Africa emerging as major energy player.

< Europe >
Green MEP: Lobbyists stopped ambitious EU energy targets
EurActiv-Nov 7, 2014
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP said the EU governments granted each other veto rights to water down the renewable energy package.

< Australia >
The Australia Institute says coal industry doing almost nothing to ease 'energy poverty'
Sydney Morning Herald-Nov 6, 2014
More coal won't necessarily improve the lives of the poor, a new report says.

